Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Baby #3!

Due May 25, 2012. I still can't believe it though my nausea will not let me forget. With two battling stomach viruses this week, I have to say I'm pretty overwhelmed by the idea of adding a third to the mix. The realities of parenting have hit me squarely in the face over and over this week. It is so hard to be a mama (or in my case, a nonny). God always provides what we need, so I have to just trust that he will continue. I so want to live as though I know that he will provide and not just hope that he will. The former is more freeing. Hopefully, as my nausea passes my fears of the future will too.

Friday, May 20, 2011

A datenight

I had a craving for shrimp and was disheartened this week when I discovered the funky smell in my fridge was the shrimp I bought last week. Since then, I've been craving shrimp, among other things, unfortunately not carrots and celery. Anyway, on the way home from our days at school and daycare, I had the wild idea of dining out with the kids. Ryan is out of town, and warned me/complimented me(?) that I was "a brave woman" to take on such a task alone. At 13 months and 26 months, most things are unpredictable, but I was feeling lucky tonight....Red Lobster, thanks for your patience.
No really, not only was it a fun time, but a memorable one. I tried with all my might to savor the moment and not get caught up in the details of eating and leaving as quickly as possible so as not to disrupt other diners and miss our nightly routine window. W was particularly interesting as he's enjoyed talking to the owner who checked in on us to make sure we had a good experience at her restaurant. He told her all about trains, boats, stars, and any other thought that popped into his head. In the midst of this, before I knew it, I looked down and saw a tiny hand right in the middle of my rice pilaf. E didn't seem to mind the fact that her plate had the same rice. She just helped herself, cute girl.
I loved this moment because even though Ryan is out of town and it's been sad without him, my family was still right there. It's just amazing to feel so connected to these little ones. I feel so blessed.

Monday, May 2, 2011

E's first birthday

Yesterday we celebrated the first year of E's life. What a great blessing she's been so far. I'm so honored to be her mom and have the opportunity to watch her grow up. I always thought that it was a little hokey of my parents to say such, but now I get it, or, at least I think I'm beginning to get it. E is so precious. I loved watching her figure out presents, latching on to random pieces of paper and small bits of boxes. It was great to see her enthusiasm about cake and excitement about playing peek-a-boo with Ryan while smearing cake all over her head.

E also decided to take her first steps yesterday. That was a wonderful present for me because I've worried that I'd miss out on seeing her do this. She was inspired by her desire to be near her toys and just stood up, and walked! It was as if she'd always done it. She popped up and walked forward eager to reach her toys.

W had a great time celebrating his "Deechoo" too. He calls her this because for the longest time, he called her "sister" but it sounded like "Deechoo" so that's what my sitter called her. The name stuck so E is now Deechoo, on occasion. W loved opening a present or two from his grandparents. More than anything, he loved birthday cake, as is evident in the pics below.

I love these two little lifeFORCES. They are full of force for sure! Just today, I came home and W slipped and hit his head on the concrete while playing in water on the porch, E had a big bruise on her head from an earlier fall involving the brick wall on the porch, and they were still going strong! W greeted me this morning with huge hugs as I was changing his diaper. He's figuring out how to give affection. At times, he goes a bit too far and a bite makes its way into the mix as love turns to loveanger. E hasn't figured this out, but she's already so affectionate and loving. She lowers her head to nuzzle as she greets.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

IIII climb.

Yesterday, we hit a small milestone in the our little family. While attempting to tackle the clutter downstairs, I could hear the chatter and singing of my little boy. He was supposed to be sleeping but it was apparent sleep wasn't coming anytime soon. In the next moment, I heard a huge crash and subsequent cry. I arrived upstairs and entered the room, and it was as if W had turned a page in his little life. The toy lawn mower had taken his place in the bed, and W was standing on the floor outside his crib, with his blood covered hand in his mouth, huge tears puddling in his eyes and the look of total fear on his face. When I talked to him about how this happened, W said "IIII---climb."

I was so surprised that W could even do this. I'm still puzzled as to how de did it. Maybe we should install a webcam!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Began Blogging and Met New Friends

After years of reading other blogs, today I decided to jump in. I hope parents and friends from far away and near will enjoy the pics and posts as they happen.

Today WE had a "blind" play date with some friends of friends. After being introduced over email, the two families met and I think everything went well. W of our WE combo had a great time with his new friend, and E of our WE combo loved all of the outside time in the grass and mulch, not to mention missing her nap. Aside from the brief moments of 2 year old territorial behavior, mostly involving W's truck hoarding tendency, the kids enjoyed the afternoon. At the end of our time, both of the big kids had created an alliance against the parents and were chasing each other down the sidewalk while we chased after them.

Earlier in the day, Ry and I took the kids to the Downtown Mall for the Saturday morning Farmer's Market. It's a family tradition for us to go each week and this morning was absolutely divine. At one point, I realized how unrushed we were and savored the moment as we watched W run ahead of us while E rode in the stroller. Moments like this one make all of the other hectic moments vanish. It was nice being together.